Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Giver last blog post

Dear Asher

I am leaving the community to explore the world. By the time you are reading this I will be fare away from the community. Please do not tell anyone because if you do it will be very hard for me to explore because they will send search planes.
I have also taken Gabriel with me because they were going to release him and i did not want that. So he is with me I have also taken my father's bike.

If you are wondering about why am doing this it is because I do not agree with the rules and the sameness because there is no creativity and no emotions to .I know you might know about emotions but you soon will because the memories will come back to everyone and they will leave me. You will also get emotion from release ,because I learnt this a couple of days ago when you release somebody they don't go to a happy place they put a needle in the person and the person dies.

Asher I will miss you a lot tell my parents I am ok but don't show my parents or else they will search for me. And could you also tell Fiona that I am leaving I will miss her to. I will miss you and everyone else at the village. I will always remember you Asher. I am also sorry I will never see you again.
Bye Asher tell Fiona I will miss her too.

From: Jonas

Monday, May 24, 2010

Blog post #3(marking ed's blog)

Your blog post 2 you did a good job. You explained why it was hard for him to lie because he had grown up and lying was a rule. And you also gave good explainitions like when Jonas said i am starving and his teacher corrected him and said you will never be starving that was a lie to say i am starving. You also gave more ideas about it like when he asked his father to see if his father loved him and his father corrected him. Good job Ed

Your blog post 1 , well sorry Ed but you don't have a blog post 1 on your blog :(

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Giver #2

Jonas say's that lying can be a bad thing because it is bad not to tell the truth. It is also disturbing because it is one of there rules is not to lie. so if you lied it would be disobeying the rules. And when you disobey the rules you can get in a lot of
trouble sometimes.So it would be a good idea not to lie.

I think Jonas also thinks lying is bad because you are supposed to share your feelings but if you lie about them then you are being dishonest and that is not good. Because you could get in a lot of trouble for that so i would tell the truth. But it would be hard to decied witch rule to obey because if you obey the normal rules you are disobeying the reciever rules.

But there are some good things about this rule. If you did something you are ashamed of and someone says what wrong you don't have to tell the truth you can lie and say something else. Or if someone asked you to do something and you did not do it and they asked you if you did you can lie and say you did it. But the best thing for Jonas to lie about is his training and to lie and not to say anything about it. So there are god things and bad things about this rule.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Giver blog post

The Giver

I would not want my future to be decided for me or else no matter what I do I would be stuck with a certain job or destany instead of making my own choices. Because if my life was already chosen for me you could not change it and if you had a dream that you wanted to do a certain job you can not try to get if it is already decided that I am something else so you can never be something you want. But there will be some people that are lucky and get what they wanted to be so they will have a very happy life. So I would never want my life to be chosen for me. I want to make my own choices in life and learn from my mistakes.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The last White Mountains

I choose what do you think will happen to the characters in the next book. Well right now I am not so sure what will happen but I have one idea about what could happen to them. That idea is ,that when they get there they will meet people from 14 above in age and make new friends and enimies. I also think soon enough they will get sick of the mountains and the wind and snow, and move back down into a city and become a vagrant down there. Because they will not get capped but if they do move into a city Henry will have to learn french because Will has and Beanpole knows it already and they are in france. That is what I think will happen to the characters in the next book of the Tripods.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

White Mountains blog post 4

In this novel is about three boys who don't want to be capped, and the one place they can't get capped is the White Mountains, their journey there is mostly what this novel is all about. The one of the only things that they all want is to have their own brain to themselves and the other one to make it to the White Mountains. If they didn’t find Beanpole then they wouldn’t make it to the White Mountain as easily as they did. Because Beanpole can speak the langue of the country they are in and english. So if people ask them questions on their journey Beanpole would be the one to respond to it, and it would not be as suspicous if they could not respond back in the same langue.

In the red tower Will had a nice room, nice food and Eloise in the castle.But if he wanted to stay in the castle he would have to be capped and he would rather die than be capped. And I know that for a fact because in the book in quotes it said that Will would rather die than be capped. This quote was the key to the whole book because it means that the White Mountains is the perfect place for him. When Will was at the castle saw a tripod right outside his room. This mean that if he saw a Tripod he would have to act natural around the Tripods, But if he does do that and he is with Eloise she would also figure out something was wrong with Will, that he was scared of something. But it is either that or be capped so I think soon Eloise will find out the real Will. I just hope he does not stay in the castle or else he would have been a giant waste to come all this way, and to pretty much get capped in a different country. So I am hoping they make it to the White Mountains.
1.The cap's had a chip in it that only allowed the tripods control their thought and how they think. So people can't think on there own

2.(The bitter thing was that all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. for even more than their inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being capped. it was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from girl to lady.) Page. 111.

All this was rendered futile by the sight of her bare head. I had come to think of her as my friends: perhaps more. But now I knew that she belonged, irretrievably, body and soul, to the Enemy. Page. 116.

3.It last five days, and at the end is their Capping Day." " And if we are still here then . . .," Henry said. " We are offered for Capping. True But we will not be here. You will be strong by then, Will. And during the time of the tournament there is always much confusion. We can get away, and not be missed for day, perhaps two or three. Page .109

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How will Beanpole help Will and Henry

Well I think one way Beanpole could possibly help Will and Henry. He does speak the langue of the place they are at some it would be a lot easier to pass through the lands. Because if someone stopped and asked you something you would not be able to answer but since they have beanpole he can speak the langue so he can respond to the question.

One other reason I think it would be really help full because beanpole also knows where he is a lot better than Will and Henry. And if they get lost Beanpole will be able to read the signs and know were that is because he knows the langue and the place were they are.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How Is Will Like Me???

How is Will like me? When I first read this question I could not think of an answer but soon enough, I got a few. Here they are. Oh wait a minute, you don't know what I'm talking about. Well let me tell you. Will is the main character in the book White Mountains, so Will - Reader, Reader - Will. Now that we all know what I am talking about, lets continue. How is will like me.

I think will is like me because we are both boys, that is one of my examples. But also Will and I are both very curious about things. In chapter one, when Will takes out the watch because he's curious - like when I read this book. I was curious about a lot of things.White Mountains makes you think about alot of things, maybe too many at once.I think Will is also like me because he and I both talk to strange and weird people. Like Will does with Ozymandias which is a weird person in White Mountains.

Will is also like me because I to have a desire to want to know questions all the time. Like when Will is asking questions about the capping ceromony, so was I when I was reading it. And one other way Will is like me is we think very similarly. For example, when I was reading I was woundering the same questions about Ozymandias when Will first met him. The last way that Will and I are the same is that for sure I don't want to be capped. I would rather die then be capped. Oh for people that have not read the book White Mountains, when you get capped it is when the Tripods take you when you are fourteen and they put this metal cap on your head and it makes you not think for yourself. So pretty much, the Tripods control you from there on so Capping Day is like your last day of freedom ever... unless you escape to the White Mountains. But I can't tell you that part yet.

Thanks for reading this blogpost. I hope you enjoyed it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Years Resolutions and Dolphin Experience

My new years resolution is to gain some muscle this year. I would like to build up my arms, stomach and legs so that I look stronger and so that I can do alot more sports. I plan on doing this by playing more sports and doing more exercise. My second new years resolution is to learn a new skill like Aussie rules. iI you guys don't know what that is, it is Australian rules football. If you don't know what that is then you should search it up. There lots of information about how to play and skills such as drop kicking, marking and hand balling. My Dad taught me how to mark over the Christmas vacation and I was pretty good. We had lots of fun.

Now I am going to tell you a little story about what I did over the Christmas vacation. I will tell you about when I swam with dolphins!! So on the first day my mum told me that the next day we would be swimming with the dolphins at Rockingham Beach. I was so happy. But the bad news was we would have to wake up at 6:00am! It was a half hour drive to Rockingham, which is where the boat was. The drive was not that bad and I didn't complain to much. When we got there, there were so many people on the boat so we just got on the boat too.
Once we were on the boat the captain told us what would be happening that day and what the rules were. Then they handed out wetsuits to everybody, but they only had one small wetsuit and someone else had gotton it before me. I had to get the lady to get another small one for me from the shed. It only took fifteen minutes for her to bring me the wetsuit. I can tell you one thing for sure, wetsuits are crazy to get on and when you do get them on they are crazy uncomfortable.
We all had a coloured belt on and the idea of that was so when we were close to the dolphins the leader would say for example, green belts and black belts. The green and black belts would go to the back of the boat and there would be a green leader and a black leader that worked thereand you would have to follow their instructions. I was in green team. Once you quietly hop in the water you would hold on to the person's belt in front of you so you would make a line. The person behind the leader at the front would hold the leader's belt. The leader would have an aqua scooter so they could move around a lot easier so we could get close to the dolphins.
We were not allowed to touch the dolphins because they are wild animals and if you touch wild dolphins it can kill them. Wild dolphins have a protective layer of skin and when you touch that layer it can kill that layer. The protective layer makes sure the dolphin does not get sick or sun burned so it won't get skin cancer and if you touch it the bacteria on your hand will go onto the dolphin. By now you are proubaly thinking about dolphins kept in aquariums or things like that where you can touch dolphins. Well that is because the water they live in is chlorinated so there is no bacteria in the water and if the dolphins do get sick they are trained to get medicine from their trainers. The dolphins I swam with were wild, but anyway back to the story.
When they called green team first, me and my family raced over and got in quietly (oh and one other thing, they did give us snorkles and masks so we could watch the dolphins underwater. It was amazing!). When we were in the water there were so many dolphins around, about twenty in the water at one stage! Five dolphins swam under me I could have touched them they were so close (but I didn't!) and at one stage a dolphin came right up to me and we were like eye to eye.
There was this one girl that worked there and her job was awesome - she was the dolphin girl. She had an aqua scooter and her job was to go underwater and to try and play with the dolphins and to bring them closer to the surface and to us, it was amazing.
After our first dolphin swim, the green team we called in a few more times before it was time to head back to the jetty. when we were on our way back, some of the dolphins were diving and playing in the boat's wake. They looked like they were having so much fun. . When we got to the jetty we thanked the captain and sais goodbye and then we got off the boat and headed home.
And just remember... NEVER TOUCH A WILD DOLPHIN !!!