Monday, November 30, 2009

bernices blog comments

I really like your blog entry is really good. I like how you used the exact description for every thing that went on during the room. You also gave me much information about your feelings, comments, questions you delivered during the discussion. but over all you did a great job!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

lit circle #1

today was our first lit circle the bad news is I am the only boy in my group the good news is I got the book I wanted. I could tell we all think the same because we all had the same passages so I was pleased with my self for that one. But we all had some really different question and some of them where really tricky to so of the words I had never even heard of. There was only one word I was familiar with was caribou. But that is because I am addicted to animal planet so I explained to ever body what is was . It is this type of dear in Antartica. Everyone was supprised with what I knew. But for me it was pretty easy not that I am bragging. But today it went pretty well I hope our next lit circle is a lot better!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lit.Circles #2!
The first thing we did was our passages. We went around the table and then we all shared them. The passage I chose was the piece of writing on the last page of chapter 1. I wondered why the wolves left Miyax. So my group decided that they just migrated. Then someone brought up an interesting question. Why did the wolves migrate? Some thought it was because of the food. I explained to them why it was about food. I said the caribou move around where the grass is and when all the grass gets covered up in the winter they make this huge migration to find new food and they do it every year too. Because the caribou migrate the wolves migrate too, because the wolves eat caribou . Our conversation about that was pretty interesting. But after I explained every one sort of got it, so i'm pretty proud of myself for that. After the passages were over, the questions were next and I have to give credit to my group we all had some really hard questions but then when my group explained their anwsers I got it more. After the questions we did some vocabulary and all I can say is, man there are some hard words in that book. When we finished I was pretty satisfied with our group. I think on lit circle 3 we did very well. After we finished we were dismissed. I hope our next blog will be better or as good, but mostly better!
Literature Circle - #3
In our third literature circle we talked about what might happen to Julie if Daniel finds her sneaking out of the house. We thought he would probably get really mad because he doesn’t want Julie to leave him as he really likes her. What discussed what problems we thought she might run into? If Daniel wakes up and sees she’s not there then he might go after her and then when he catches her he will probably take her back to Pearl’s house. We thought she may also have travelling problems as she may not be able to get a ride. People will see that she is only thirteen and completely by herself and so they may not want to pick her up because she’s not with an adult. She might not have any money with her either. We also discussed how Daniel treated her and how she will react to Daniel. Maybe she will give in or maybe she will fight for herself and be free. She could even possibly hurt Daniel badly when trying to defend herself.
The last three books I read were:1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Rodrick Rules by Jeff Kinney3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Last Straw by Jeff Kinney
The last movie I saw was G.I. Joe. I saw it on Saturday night with my brother Mitch and my dad. It was a really good movie. It was the best action movie that I have ever seen and I think they set it up perfectly for another one. That's good because then it makes you want to see the next one too!
My academic goal is to not get an NP in anything! It would make my mum cry and that would not be good :(
My social goal for this year is to maintain my friends from fifth grade and to make new friends here in sixth grade as well.
My favorite vacation was when my family and I travelled to South Africa. It was really nice to be in a different environment,in a different place in the world. I loved the safari we went on. It was great. I saw all different types of animals. It was also great because we got up close to the animals... especially the African Elephant and the Giraffe. At one point during the Safari, the dominant male elephant mock charghed us! We just had to keep reversing back in our van to make sure we weren't in his way.It was so great that we visited so many different places in South Africa. We went to Johannesburg, Pilanesburg National Park, Cape Town and Pretoria. One of my favorite things we did in Cape Town was to go sandboarding. Only my dad and my brother and I went, my mum and sister went shopping. The sand was so hot and the sand dunes were big and steep. Some were even as big as three and four story houses! The sandboards were twice the size of a skateboard. When we got to the top of the dunes, and we had waxed our boards, and we sped down, it was all worth it. South Africa is definitely my favorite vacation so far!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The five adjectives that I think best describe me are:
1. artistic

2. athlectic

3. funny

4. loving

and...5. caring

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

If I could be any social scientist I would want to be a Archaeologist because I think it would be very cool to look for bones or remains of something